Behind The Knife: The Surgery Podcast

Intern Bootcamp - Dominate Intern Year



Buckle up, PGY-1’s! Intern year is starting whether you’re ready or not. Don’t fret, BTK has your back to make sure you dominate the first year of residency.  In this last episode of the intern bootcamp mini-series, we’ll talk about tips & tricks as well as good habits to establish in order to dominate intern year. Hosts: Shanaz Hossain, Nina Clark Tips for New Interns:  GENERAL TIPS FOR SUCCESS ON THE WARDS Spend time with the patient! Trust, but verify. Be kind to everyone. Stay humble. Be flexible. Seek and apply feedback. HOW TO LEARN IN THE OR Double scrub as many cases as you can. Write down/record everything after a case. MAINTAIN YOUR PERSONAL SANITY Figure out your stress outlets and what brings you joy. Decompress after work. Maintain work/life boundaries. Keep in touch with loved ones. Vacations are meant for relaxation.Repeat after me: NO WORK ON VACATION! Please visit to access other high-yield surgical education podcasts, videos and more. If you lik