Life In Motion

Reeling in Laughter - Fishing, good friends and even better mustaches with Allie Valdetara of Ladies in Wadies



In this episode, we chat with Allie Valdetara of Ladies in Wadies. Growing up in the 'outdoors-adjacent' landscape of North Jersey, Allie's childhood was filled with imaginative adventures, from exploring her backyard to lakeside fishing. But for her, the joy of the outdoors was in sharing it with others. After college she struggled to carve out time to get outside - at least until remote working gained popularity. Allie bought a fly rod and hit the road with her friend. A couple months later while sitting at a brewery in Bozeman they convinced themselves to start the account Ladies in Wadies. What began as a lighthearted space to share silly moments evolved into an inclusive community celebrating impromptu fishing trips, 9 am beers, and mustache selfies. They showcase the goofy side of fishing while normalizing the learning curve, whether you're a novice or a pro. If you're just getting started on your fishing journey or seeking a community that revels in the joy of the outdoors without t