Various Thoughts From Dennis Shaw

Episode 17: The Mindful Evangelist with Dr. Tom Barlow, Iliff School of Theology



Our guest is the Reverend Doctor Tom Barlow, Mountain Sky Conference of the United Methodist Church Elder and an Assistant Professor of Methodist Studies at Iliff School of Theology in Denver, CO.  Our subject is Evangelism!   Tom's LinkedIn page is HERE.  Tom has served in the local church as well as at the University.   We talk some about Thomas ("Tom") G. Bandy, and two of his books are Worship Ways and See, Know, and Serve.  An EXCELLENT Ministry Matters article by Bandy is HERE.   Registration for Mountain Sky Conference Churches on MissionInsite (discussed during the podcast) is HERE (about 2/3 of the way down the page).  For non Mountain Sky Churches, I suggest a conservation with someone at your Conference office (if United Methodist) about revitalization and Mission Insite.     If this discussion with Tom speaks to you, please forward it to someone else and let them know about it!  Normal podcast release schedule is 1st, 3rd and 5th Mondays of the Month.   My email is dennis at (@) mantuan dot (.) or