Kalyns Coffee Talk

Beat Perfectionism & Procrastination: Coffee Talk with Thomas Curran



Tune in for a conversation with Thomas Curran, professor at the London School of Economics, a social psychologist and author of the book The Perfection Trap. Through this conversation, we unpack the true root of perfectionism, the roll our culture plays and the ways to combat it along with the procrastination that comes along with it.  The Perfection Trap ▹ https://www.amazon.ca/Perfection-Trap-Embracing-Power-Enough/dp/1982149531 More about Thomas ▹ https://www.linkedin.com/in/thom-curran Kalyn's Instagram ▹ https://www.instagram.com/kalynnicholson13/ More about the show: • If you want early access to videos, bonus checklists, join the yoga studio, come to community events, enter monthly challenges or have more cozy/motivational content be sure to join the Kalyn Nicholson channel & become a member. https://www.youtube.com/@KalynNicholson • To watch the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KalynsCoffeeTalk/ • Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using th