Battleground Wisconsin

Organizing Our Future in 2024



Welcome to 2024 where our pivotal battleground state elections will again take center stage. We jump in and dissect this week’s news the GOP Legislative leadership asks the Wisconsin Supreme Court to reconsider their redistricting decision; a new court ruling allows clerks to correct minor errors on absentee ballots; and a brewery owner sues to remove Trump from the Wisconsin ballot under the 14th Amendment. In a revealing and shameless display of voter suppression and encouragement of drain brain, the GOP leaders introduce a bill encouraging UW students to not vote in Wisconsin. Legislative Republicans to potential long term residents, “We don’t want you here. Go home!” Robert does his best to fill in details on the policy positions of Senator Tammy Baldwin’s likely opponent, multimillionaire businessman and perennial candidate Eric Hovde. In climate news Wisconsin trails badly on solar adoption. Will Governor Evers use the huge investments offered by the Biden Administration to close the gap with neighbor