Life In Motion

In the Trail's Wake - Building a Backpacking Community with Ryan Wichlens of Trails Magazine



In this episode, we chat with Ryan Wichlens, one of the many behind Trails Magazine. Growing up around New York's Adirondack Mountains, he started as Backpacker Magazine's go-to Northeast expert during college before becoming a full-time freelance journalist in Colorado. When the end of Backpacker magazine's print era came in 2022, Ryan stepped in to fill the void with Trails Magazine. Aiming to create a print magazine tailored for backpackers but with improvements, it distinguishes itself with quality, thoughtful design, captivating large-format photography, and an emphasis on aesthetics. Unlike the ad-heavy model of many magazines, Trails relies on subscribers to sustain itself, fostering a community dedicated to the backpacking experience. If you've ever wanted to know why you should never be afraid to shoot your shot, or what it takes to build something entirely on passion, then this one's for you! Life in Motion is brought to you by Actual Outdoors. They help build beautiful brands th