Podcast Neil Wilkins

How to Start a Business, with Ann Carden



Ann Carden has more than forty-three years of business, marketing, and sales experience, with over thirty-two years as an entrepreneur. She has built 7 successful businesses (selling five) and is the current owner of two. Her first business started out of financial hardship after leaving her corporate career and income to stay home and raise her kids. That first business went global. Ann has been coaching and consulting for the past thirteen years and has worked with several hundred small business owners, consultants, coaches, and professional entrepreneurs in over sixty different types of businesses to further their success. Who better for Neil Wilkins to talk to about how to start a business. As you'll hear, it's way more than simply have a desire or a skill. Running a successful business of your own is all about careful pragmatic planning and emulating entrepreneurs and business owners who have gone before you. In this practical episode of the Neil Wilkins Podcast, you'll learn if you