Flowing With Famous - Fresno Culture Podcast

Will Downtown’s Skyline Ever Change?



      Hello there, we are happy to be kicking off 2024 in Fresno with you as we talk about things like: How good was Uliminature at the Fresno Zoo? The red tape of Downtown Fresno. The changing of the Fresno skyline. Warnor's Theater complex. Thank God we still have the Tower Theatre. Band of the Episode: dontcryformeimalreadydead. What do we do about Playland? Cheers and Jeers for Fresno. A new area code is coming. Thank you for listening to Flowing With Famous! Downloadable: FlowingWithFamousJan24.mp3 (Heads up: A few cuss words in this one) Josh at the Fresno Bee. Josh's local music newsletter: Bandgeeeek.substack.com. Josh's bands: New Old Man, It'll Grow Back, Big Balls, and the Strikingly Originals.  Josh's other podcast Aikido Discussed.  ----- Mikey's newsletters: Fresno! Fresno! and Drinking & Thinking. Mike's blogs The Fresnan, The Tape Player, and Mikey Top Pour Plus the podcasts Get Off My Podcast, The Perfect Pour.