The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 752: Do These 5 Things for Better Health This Year!



It’s the time of year when many folks find themselves looking to create healthier routines to improve body composition and overall well-being. Instead of attempting fad diets or funneling your money into the weight loss industry, consider implementing simple, free, and science-backed habits into your day-to-day life. Adding in basic, tried-and-true behaviors can yield life-changing, sustainable results.  On this episode of The Model Health Show, you’re going to learn five behaviors you can begin utilizing today for better health this year. These habits are simple and attainable lifestyle changes like spending more time outdoors, building strong connections with others, and eating more meals at home. You’re going to learn about the incredible benefits of adding muscle to your frame, how walking more can increase your longevity, and so much more. No matter your intention for the year ahead, these five habits can help you improve your immune function, reduce risk for disease, and improve your metabolic health. I