Popular Usa Majority

Stink of Donald Trump | Letter From 2224



Dear Americans of 2024 This is a letter from 2224 For you it's the future But for us it is now And we just want to tell you His stink is still around The Stink of Donald Trump The stench of sulfur Of terrible evil Enemy of the people His stink will never fade No matter how often we try To rewrite history Blur faces Or tell big fat whoppin' lies The Stink of Donald Trump America will never forget Americans will never forgive We can never wash off The stink of him That miserable cartoon of a man Quoting Hitler and spewing hate He failed at everything he ever planned He failed to become a good man Every tyrant needs his cowards We teach our kids to be brave And warn them about Republicans How they ruined the USA We teach our kids about his stink They can smell in the morning Brushin' their teeth over the sink We hold our noses, and proceed We live our lives with his stink His stink so disgusting Dear Americans of 2024 This is a letter from 2224 For you it's the future But for us it is now And we just want