Hong Kong Confidential

S1E122: 122| Stroke



REPLAYED CONTENT for the Christmas break- Kate McAlister was a fit and healthy 31-year-old early childhood educator from California working in Hong Kong, when she had a stroke. At first, she was misdiagnosed and sent home with a migraine but eventually after a whole night of vomiting, she went back to the hospital and was finally diagnosed with having a stroke. She shares her difficult journey in relation to returning to work too quickly and realising she needed to head home to stay with her parents to recuperate. Whilst back in The States, Kate pursued more medical advice by seeing other doctors and specialists, one of which whom made a connection with her stroke and the death of her aunt at 37, who passed away from a dissection in her heart- a similar occurrence to Kate's stroke. Kate explores her journey with grief and loss as she had to come to terms with the fact that her body was not the same as it used to be, and her lifestyle had changed dramatically given that she was an adventurous woman who lived l