The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 750 : Why the American Diet Is Fueling Higher Rates of Anxiety – with Uma Naidoo



Anxiety is one of the most pressing mental health issues plaguing our society. And in recent years, the rates of diagnosed anxiety have skyrocketed. On today’s show, you’re going to learn about how your gut bacteria impacts your mental health, and the most important nutrition principles for reducing anxiety.  Dr. Uma Naidoo is a Harvard trained psychiatrist, nutritional specialist, and a professional chef. Her work is focused on Nutritional Psychiatry, the intersection of mental health and food. In her groundbreaking new book, Calm Your Mind with Food, Dr. Naidoo outlines how to use nutrition as a powerful tool for healing anxiety and calming the mind. Today, Dr. Uma Naidoo is back on The Model Health Show to share the latest research on the gut-brain connection, and how the Standard American Diet is causing high rates of anxiety and other mental health conditions. She’s sharing practical tips for improving your mental health, what to include on your plate to fend off anxiety, and the pillars to creating a ca