
660: Why care about COP28? A Recap with Nathan Jovanelly, Brad Stutzman, Elizabeth Andrews, Tito Jankowski, Steve Anglin



The recent wrap-up of COP28 in Dubai has catalyzed a renewed sense of urgency and reflection on the global efforts to address climate change. A key takeaway emerged from the event: the world is finally willing to say outloud “we need to chart a definitive course to wean ourselves off fossil fuels!” Moving beyond the main headlines and chatter, the real progress is found in the collective efforts of disparate stakeholders working towards a common purpose - and as the Chamber of Commerce noted, the real work will be done in the halls of private industry. Despite initial controversy around the oil-rich UAE hosting COP28 and the fossil fuel executive presiding over it, the unfolding narrative proved compelling. The UAE and other Middle Eastern nations demonstrated a renewed interest and commitment to the global energy transition, underscoring their crucial role in the energy transition by supporting a broad-sweeping agreement signed by 200 nations committing to a 2050 deadline for alternatives to