Generations Radio

More Media Attacks on Homeschooling - Sociological Studies vs. God’s Word



The Washington Post continues its series of attacks on homeschooling - this time going after research studies on the effectiveness of home education in the US. Yet, favorability towards homeschooling among the American public is at an all-time high, and favorability towards public schools among the American public is at an all-time low. We point out that sociological studies on education and every other part of social life are fairly useless.--How does one identify the best way to educate a child-- Go to God, the Source of all wisdom. Rely on God's Word as the highest form of wisdom in these matters.--This program includes---1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus -Only 22- can retell Christ's birth story, Supreme Court takes up Abortion Kill Pill, Ukrainian President to Biden- -100 billion not enough----2. Generations with Kevin Swanson