Moonlight Audio Theatre

PROJECT AUDION 47 - Lights Out



Who was it who made that phone call to the emergency room, the one that set off the horrible chain of events that took place in The Dark? Project Audion recreates the episode "The Dark" from LIGHTS OUT - one of classic radio's most imaginatively gruesome shows. It's an episode show that hasn't been heard in its complete form since January 1938! "Lights Out" was the work of master radio dramatist Arch Oboler, and he memorably redid "The Dark" 25 years later as a highly abridged adaptation for an LP called "Drop Dead" - the only recording you could hear until now. But Project Audion worked from the original half-hour 1938 script to deliver extra thrills and chills, and leading to a climax where -- well, that would be telling, wouldn't it? Who's afraid of The Dark? You will be! Our cast features: Jacob Palka in Illinois Douglas Herrman in California Denise Cline in Kentucky Robert Stevenson in Indiana Sounds, production, and direction by Larry Groebe in Texas