The James Altucher Show

The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life | Hal Elrod



When my children or good friends have problems and difficulties in life, you would think I would recommend to them my book Choose Yourself, which describes times when I've had hardships and the ways I used to pick myself out of being broke or sick or depressed.But that is not the book I give people. I usually give them The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, and starting today, I’ll be giving them The Miracle Morning Update and Expanded Edition: The Not So Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life(Before 8 AM) by Hal Elrod. It's the 10th anniversary of the original book, it's an expanded edition. He now includes The Miracle Evening, The Miracle Life, and more!Imagine you wake up one morning, your lung has collapsed, you have cancer, and you're told you're going to die in two or three weeks. Hal Elrod had been doing the Miracle Morning for years when that happened to him, and he shows how it applied during a situation like that. It helped him when he was going broke and losing his house and when he got into a