Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Rooted Resilience: Thriving With An Open Root Centre In Human Design



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Uncover the power within your open Human Design Root Centre! Join our masterclass, "Rooted Resilience," designed for those navigating the challenges of constant initiation pressure. Discover strategies to sustainably manage the urgency, embrace balanced action, and overcome patterns of giving up too early. Navigate the unpredictable with stability, break free from burnout, and root yourself in self-commitment. This session is your guide to thriving with an open Root Centre in Human Design. Ready to embark on a journey of resilience and personal growth? Secure your spot now! Note, this class is suitable for beginner to advance and allows you to ask questions in real time. Join us LIVE to: Release the Pressure: Strategies to manage the constant initiation pressure gracefully. Embrace Sustainable Action: Cultivate a balanced approach to pacing and productivity. Overcoming Burnout Patterns: Break the cycle of giving up too early on personal goals. Finding Stability in Unpr