Sunday Morning Magazine With Rodney Lear

Derrick Barnes_Christmas Literacy Show_Segment #4



About the Book: SANTA’S GOTTA GO!: The number one thing on Monte and Mabel’s Christmas wish list is the chance to hang out with Santa Claus. So, when his sleigh breaks down in their yard as he’s finishing up his last delivery, they couldn’t be more delighted–Santa’s gonna stay with them while he waits for spare parts to be delivered! It’s a dream come true . . . or is it? It turns out Santa doesn’t have a lot of experience being a houseguest, and likes to rock out late at night and swigs spaghetti sauce from the jar. But when he messes with Dad’s motorcycle and Mabel’s computer tablet, he’s gone a step too far and the whole family agrees–Santa’s gotta go! But how on earth do you kick out Santa Claus?