Novogradac & Company Llp

Nov. 15, 2022: Election Results and Reactions



An expected red-wave election for Republicans in the Senate and the House of Representatives ended up being closer than expected, with the Democratic Party retaining control of the Senate and the House of Representatives undecided (although trending toward Republican control). In this week's podcast, Michael Novogradac, CPA, and Peter Lawrence, Novogradac's director of public policy and government policy, discuss the results and the repercussions for community development tax incentives. They begin with an overview of the election, the look at potential leadership for each party in each chamber of Congress, including the key tax-writing committees. Then they discuss the effect the election results will have on the lame-duck session of Congress as well as the next two years, before looking at the 2024 election and 2025 expiration date for many tax incentives. Finally, they discuss the Novogradac working groups and how listeners can benefit from being a part of them.