Novogradac & Company Llp

November 4, 2008



Today is Tuesday, November 4th, 2008. This week we will review the hearing held last week by House Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangel regarding economic recovery and job creation. We will also profile the winners of the Novogradac Community Development Foundation Awards announced last month. But first, a note about today. Today is also election day throughout the nation. Democrats are expected to pick up a significant number of seats in both the House and the Senate, further solidifying their majorities in both houses. The presidential polls also show Obama with a substantial lead. If the polls are accurate, then the Democrats will have sizable majorities in the House, the Senate and will control the presidency. Next week, we will share some insights as to what Democratic control of the House, Senate and presidency will mean to those of us concerned about affordable housing, community development and renewable energy. If John McCain' proves the pollsters wrong, and wins the presidency, then we will share