Zero To Travel Podcast : National Geographic Type Adventures, Lifestyle Design Like Tim Ferriss Plus Inspiration Like Ted

How to Travel Using Artist Residencies (Even if You’re Not an “Artist”) + a Creative Approach to Life With Mi’Jan Celie Tho-Biaz



Mi’jan Celie Tho-Biaz is with me today to share how she’s traveled the world for the last 15 years by utilizing artist residencies. You may be surprised to discover that these opportunities aren’t just for artists in the usual sense but creatives like writers, scientists, and even psychoanalysts! Mi’Jan is a Kennedy Center Citizen Artist, an expert speaker with the U.S. Department of State, and a current Fulbright awardee. She moves between the realms of oral history, art, media, and ritual to produce large-scale cultural projects & live events. In this episode, Mi’Jan gives us the breakdown on artist and creative residencies, fellowships, and how to find these kinds of opportunities within our own niche. We also talk about her experience as a professional speaker and actionable advice on the topic, how to stay grounded at home and on the road, the story behind why traveling with her children was the best decision she’s made as a parent, and so much more. What programs or residencies could be available to you