Astro Journals

Red Journal Podcast April 1, 2023: Past and Future of Radiopharmaceutical Therapy in Radiation Oncology



Editor-in-Chief Dr. Sue Yom hosts a discussion this month on the status of radiopharmaceutical therapy (RPT) in radiation oncology. Guests include Dr. Jeff Michalski, President of ASTRO and Carlos Perez Distinguished Professor and Vice Chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology at Washington University in St. Louis, and supervising author of an editorial we are publishing this month, "Radiation Oncology and Radiopharmaceuticals: Making our own history while learning from the past – An editorial response." We also host Dr. Paul Wallner, Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs at GenesisCare USA and first author of another editorial this month, "Radiation Oncologists and Therapeutic Radiopharmaceuticals: Will History Repeat Itself?" We’ve also invited Dr. Thomas Boike, the US Chief Medical Officer for Theranostics for GenesisCare, to discuss with us the real-world experience of bringing RPT into radiation oncology practices.