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AI Opportunities and Challenges alongside the Power of Listening and Human Connection with Niels Van Quaquebeke



Undoubtedly, AI has made significant contributions to various aspects of human life by automating countless tasks and eliminating the need for extensive manual labor.  However, a notable challenge arises as AI replaces the human workforce in many companies, resulting in a decline in human interaction skills.  This raises the question of whether life is becoming too monotonous. In this AI-dominated world, where can listening find its place when challenges are minimized? Niels Van Quaquebeke is an organizational psychologist based in Hamburg, Germany. He is recognized as one of the Top100 German-speaking business scholars under 40 (Handelsblatt). He is the recipient of multiple awards for his teaching and is frequently featured in public media.  In this episode, Niels explores how we can coexist with AI. Despite its incredible potential to transform various aspects of life, it is crucial to recognize the power of human communication and the ability to overcome challenges through human-to-human interaction and l