
649: What is a Gravity Battery? Energy Vault’s CEO, Robert Piconi, explains



Did you know that more than 90% of today’s energy storage technology is based on a 140+ year-old concept?  Care to guess what that is?  Hint - has to do with moving water, waiting, then moving water again. Humans have been harnessing the energy of river currents for centuries, using water wheels spun by rivers initially to process grains and cloth. Today, hydropower provides about 16 percent of the world's electricity, generating power in all but two U.S. states. Contrary to popular belief, however, hydroelectric power can seriously damage the climate, displacing millions of inhabitants and in some cases generating more GHGs than their fossil counterparts!With this in mind the genius idea of Energy Vault was born. If you missed our episode with their CEO, Robert Piconi, last month, then you truly missed out on a conversation worth revisiting.  If you don’t have the time, however, for a 60+min treasure trove, then today you can check out a 10 min Tactical Tuesday vignette of