Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

The Secret to Unlimited Soul Mate Clients



I could feel this bubbling up within me for so long. But I was avoiding talking about this because I was thinking “I can’t teach this… I teach about Angels and spirituality and energetics. I don’t teach about business.” And then I realised I was creating separation where there is no separation. Everything is one. When made the decision to teach this, it started flowing through me. I was receiving download after download. It was like opening up the floodgates. So here is some of what has been coming through. There is more to come… a lot more! Here’s the secret to unlimited soul mate clients. If you’re a Reiki practitioner or life coach or yoga teacher or holistic practitioner of any sort, you’ll absolutely love this. And this is the link to the guided meditation that I mention in the episode: Enjoy and share with anyone you feel this would benefit.