Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Ep 287: Mini Energy Update for Nov 9 - Nov 15



Mini Energy Update for Nov 9 - Nov 15 1. November is always a special month because it holds the vibration of the number 11. 2. As we know, October was a very charged month energetically in more ways than one. With that our nervous systems have gotten activated by what we were seeing and experiencing. How are you resetting your nervous system from the events this past month? Make sure to check in to see what you need to reground, realign, reset. 3. The body is also going through its own discomfort related to change and evolution. As the Earth evolves and vibration on the planet increases, the physical body - being the most dense in energy – is having a hard time keeping up. These changes can result in a host of uncomfortable symptoms, aches, pains like joint and muscle discomfort, digestive problems, strange sensations, and exhaustion. These are signs of our bodies attempting to adjust to the shifting frequencies and levels of energy we experience. It is important that we don’t allow our feelings of confusi