Life In Motion

Love The World That Is Housing You - Keeping the outdoors wild and green with Katie Keller of Wild Virginia



In this episode, we chat with Katie Keller, a dedicated advocate for the great outdoors and part of the nonprofit, Wild Virginia. Growing up in the beautiful state of Virginia, Katie has always loved its diverse and stunning landscapes, from rivers to mountains, and everything in between. Katie's journey into outdoor advocacy was sparked by her desire to align her work with her deeply held values. Her first job out of college didn't quite align with her moral compass, so she decided to take a different path after finding Wild Virginia. They're a grassroots nonprofit committed to safeguarding the connectivity and integrity of Virginia's precious lands and waters. Their mission extends to mobilizing citizens, including individuals like you, to influence decision-makers, and empowering citizens and landowners to address threats to Virginia's wild places. Wild Virginia's approach also involves bringing together stakeholder groups to amplify their collective impact and, importantly, connect