Battleground Wisconsin

Be like Ady Barkans



We discuss the passing of healthcare activist Ady Barkan, who turned his fight against ALS into a crusade to break the monopoly power of the corporate insurance giants that are failing millions of Americans. We explain the importance of the introduction of the BadgerCare Public Option bill in the state legislature, and discuss our news conference at the Green Bay Labor Council with lead legislative author Representative Kristina Shelton. The bill is the only one dealing with the skyrocketing cost of health care in this Legislative Session, as the GOP continues to introduce culture war issues that do nothing to improve the lives of average Wisconsinites. In a related development, a new national report finds that nearly 7 in 10 U.S. adults say they receive medical bills they cannot afford and many are skipping needed medical care. The huge Brewers stadium subsidy bill is pulled from the floor, delaying action on the bill. What does it mean that even with a full court press by the unified corporate elite, Gov