The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 737: The Truth About Belly Fat - With Thomas DeLauer



Having a larger waistline is linked to a whole host of risks, including higher propensity for heart disease and diabetes. And while it isn’t possible to directly target belly fat through exercise and diet, there are some steps you can take to facilitate overall fat loss, resulting in a reduction of dangerous visceral fat. Today’s guest, Thomas DeLauer, is an expert in the realm of diet and nutrition. His popular YouTube channel has amassed millions of subscribers with the mission of helping folks implement realistic and sustainable habits to optimize their health. On this episode of The Model Health Show, he’s diving into the science behind losing belly fat. You’re going to learn the critical mechanisms behind belly fat, including the role of hormones, calories, macronutrients, and more. You’ll hear about the best types of exercise for reducing fat, how to simplify your diet for better body composition, and a whole lot more. Thomas has a wealth of knowledge in this space, and I hope you enjoy this interview.