Modern Farm Girls Podcast

Fireside Chat with Robb Wolf on Getting Older, the New Harvard Study, & What's Next



We’ve reached the final episode of the Sustainable Dish podcast, and I am joined by my friend Robb Wolf to help me close it out. During this casual conversation, we look back on how our ideologies and priorities have changed over the years - from the time of a dogmatic approach to Paleo to now when we are better able to incorporate nuance when it’s needed. And it wouldn’t be a conversation with Robb if we didn’t debunk the latest study vilifying meat. The latest study from Harvard finds a correlation between red meat consumption and type 2 diabetes. Like other epidemiological studies before it, this, too falls apart once you start digging into the data. The chat concludes with an update from Robb about what’s in the future for LMNT. And I report the latest news from GFJA. Episode resources and transcripts are available at You can also watch this episode on YouTube: Episode 271: Fireside Chat with Robb Wolf   Episode Credits: Thank you to all who’ve made this show possible. Our hosts