Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#38: Teaching Your Kids About Other Cultures (with guest Tsh Oxenreider)



Although the United States is a melting pot, the best way to teach your children about other cultures is to take a trip and experience it firsthand. In this episode, Dr. Meg talks with Tsh Oxenreider, author, blogger, and podcast host, about her travels across the world with her husband and children. And although it’s not always practical for everyone, we can learn a lot from Tsh’s experiences abroad. Also in this episode Dr. Meg gives you her three points to ponder to begin using right away and answers a question from a mom whose husband struggles with anger when speaking to their son. Do you have a question for Dr. Meg? If so, email them to and she could answer your question in an upcoming episode!   0:00 – AD – EDUCATION A LA CARTE Want your child to flourish in their school environment? To master real-life skills? To succeed in their future endeavors? Now’s the time to actively engage with your child’s education, with Education a la Carte. In this practical book, parenting expert