Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

#66: Gender Identity Issues, Part 2 (with guest Dr. Leonard Sax)



There’s not much more controversial topic than gender identity in America today. Although it’s an extremely polarizing topic, there are some really great studies on the effects of handling this situation the right way andthe wrong way. In this episode, Dr. Meg talks with Dr. Leonard Sax again, and he gives his advice for handling this issue as a parent these days. Dr. Sax graduated Phi Beta Kappa from MIT as a 19 year old, and then went on to the University of Pennsylvania to earn his PhD in psychology and an MD. He has written many books on raising kids including: Boys Adrift, Girls on the Edge, The Collapse of Parenting, and Why Gender Matters.This is part two of a two part series with Dr. Sax talks with Dr. Meg about gender identity issues in children and teenagers. Also in this episode, Dr. Meg gives you her points to ponder that you can start using right away and answers a question from a mom about teaching her teenager how to make friends at school. If you have a question you want Dr. Meeker to answer,