Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

Episode 144: Encouragement for Children Who are Adopted and in Foster Care



Imagine not being given a name until you were two years old. Imagine living in constant fear of your father, whom you knew might literally kill you at any moment, for any reason. Imagine becoming a street kid at the tender age of four, after running away from your abusive home life. Imagine having to steal scraps of food, and no one knowing your name. How does one survive such a childhood? This is the extraordinary story of Peter Mutabazi, a surviving street kid who didn’t even think about the future beyond where his next meal would come from, yet eventually became an entrepreneur and the founder of Now I Am Known, a grassroots coalition focused on adoption and foster care. A single dad, Peter has fostered many children in his home through the years. He understands what it’s like to have no father in his life, to be abused, to have no food.. he knows what it means to be neglected. With this personal experience, it’s easy for Peter to relate to foster children, and to help them through their trauma. Listen in