Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

Episode 147: Talking to Your Kids About Puberty



One of the most common questions that Dr. Meg Meeker gets asked in her pediatric office is, “How do I talk to my kids about puberty?” In this episode, Dr. Meg addresses that very question. Don’t be taken by surprise when the subject of puberty comes up with your kids! Listen in as Dr. Meg discusses the 5 stages of puberty, for both girls and boys. You’ll be equipped to anticipate (and answer) some of the questions that your children will have about their changing bodies. In addition, Dr. Meeker doesn’t shy away from some of the harder-to-talk-about subjects that kids need to be informed of, such as menstruation, wet dreams, and body boundaries. Your child needs positive reassurance from you, their parent, that their body is amazing and wonderful, and that the changes they are experiencing are normal, and nothing to be ashamed of. This candid and informative message from “America’s Mom” will help equip and empower you to confidently share with your kids about puberty, and the changes that they can expect to ex