Parenting Great Kids With Dr. Meg Meeker

PGK Episode152: Reconnecting with your Adult Child



We raise our children with the hope of enjoying a unique closeness and intimacy with them all the years of their lives. From the moment they are born, we pour our hearts and souls into them. And as they mature, they have a clear realization that they are fully dependent on us. These two factors draw us together, forming a strong bond. When that bond breaks, the pain burrows deep. The part a parent plays in reconciling with their adult child isn’t for the faint of heart! But parents.. don’t give up! In this episode, Dr. Meeker offers parents a chance to take an honest look at themselves. While providing the difficult keys that parents need to apply to themselves, Dr. Meg also infuses some much-needed “light at the end of the tunnel” hope in the midst of the storm. Keys: 1.) Acquire humility 2.) Take the first step 3.) Assume all responsibility 4.) Be willing to forgive, without requiring forgiveness from your child WELCOME MEG (PART 1) Dr. Meeker jumps right in by answering the question, “Wh