Elder Law Report

Understanding the Versatile Role of Trusts in Wealth Management and Estate Planning



Ever wondered how a trust can serve as more than just a vessel for your assets? Ever pondered, how it can protect your wealth that isn't even there yet? My law partner, Britton Begley, an estate planning expert with an LLM in taxation, and I, Greg McIntyre, bring you a lively discussion unraveling these intricate concepts. We shine a light on the trust, not just as a holder, but as a receiver of assets, exploring its role in safeguarding your wealth and shielding your spouse from potential liabilities. We’re talking about everything from IRAs to life insurance, and how you can use a trust to ensure they serve your best interests. Beyond just a holder and receiver, we delve into how a trust can also act as a 'conduit', aligning with the IRS code and effectively controlling the distribution of pre-taxed money to your beneficiaries. Discover how the trust can protect special needs individuals, help manage potential liabilities, and even influence how a young, inexperienced beneficiary spends their