Life In Motion

Leaning Into Curiosity, The Outdoors, And Inspiring Others With Erica Nelson AKA The Awkward Angler



In this episode, we chat with Erica Nelson, also known as The Awkward Angler. Erica's journey into the great outdoors wasn't always a straightforward path. Growing up, she had little interest in outdoor activities. The idea of getting hot and sweaty outside just didn't do it for her. However, everything changed during her college years when she decided to enroll in a yoga elective. Yoga introduced her to mindfulness and a deeper connection with herself. One day, she took her practice outdoors, and the experience changed everything. Erica's newfound appreciation for the outdoors led her to explore hiking. With each bend in the trail, she discovered new wonders and a growing sense of curiosity. Her adventurous spirit eventually led her on a backpacking journey in Alaska, an adventure that evolved into a search and rescue mission. Yet, even this experience failed to deter her passion for the outdoors. Driven by her insatiable curiosity, Erica delved into outdoor education, eventually discovering