Power Your Purpose With Megan Accardo

129. Brainstorming Podcast Content to Attract Dream Clients (Podcast Profit Audit)



Join us today for a LIVE Podcast Profit Audit with our Pod Party member, Michelle Purta. We talk all about using the Sales Psychology Content Framework we introduced in episode #128 to help Michelle optimize her content to attract the right clients into her coaching program. We put the step-by-step framework into action and brainstorm months worth of juicy content for Michelle’s show, Marriage and Motherhood. Hit PLAY to learn how you can do the same! Join our FREE community for female podcasters with networking, events and live workshops! CLICK HERE to grab your spot.  IN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: The top ways to use your podcast content to connect with potential dream clients and showcase your expertise. How to apply the Sales Psychology Content Framework (ep # 128) to brainstorm months of juicy content ideas — including aspirational visions, addressing challenges, sharing personal stories, and educational content. Recommendations for selling your coaching programs and services, providing a behind