Anastasia Ryzhkova Podcast

Tarot School with Kym McDonald



Welcome to another enlightening episode of Anastasia's Podcast, where we explore the mystical realms and delve into the mysteries of life and self-discovery. In this episode, we have the privilege of sitting down with a truly remarkable guest, Kym MacDonald.  Kym is not just an amazing tarot reader but a dedicated teacher who helps others unravel the enigmatic world of tarot, guiding them on a journey of self-discovery and insight. Kym has also recently embarked on a profound journey into the cosmos, becoming a student of astrology. In this captivating episode, Kym and I will traverse the intricacies of life's mysteries, delve into the art of soul healing, and explore the hero's journey that we all embark on in our lifetimes. We'll dive deep into some tarot cards, discovering their hidden meanings and unravelling the wisdom they hold.  Have you ever wondered which tarot cards people fear the most? Kym will answer that question, shedding light on the cards that often trigger unease and why they hold such power