The Entreleadership Podcast

#322: How to Advance Your Career with The Proximity Principle with Ken Coleman



The average person spends more than 90,000 hours in their lifetime at work, which is why it’s so alarming that 70% of American workers report being unhappy with their jobs. Even if you love what you do, you can’t ignore the statistical likelihood that at least one of those disgruntled people is on your team. But, luckily, Ramsey Solutions’ own Ken Coleman insists it doesn’t have to be that way. And his against-the-odds breakthrough into broadcasting is all the proof we need. Tune in as Ken breaks down the Proximity Principle, his proven strategy to help all of us find a career we’re passionate about. Buy the book: The Proximity Principle Download a free chapter from The Proximity Principle Ken Coleman's website The Ken Coleman Show Episode #245: Ken Coleman—6 Stages of Self-Discovery   Want expert help with your business question? Call 844-944-1070 and leave a message or send an email to You could be featured on a future podcast episode!