The Entreleadership Podcast

Negotiate and Make Decisions Like a Pro with James Clear



Today, we hear from: •       A business owner struggling to fund inventory orders at the speed of cash •       James Clear on how to make better decisions •       A team member wondering if he should still work toward purchasing the business he works for •       A COO calling in to celebrate winning Commercial Roofing Contractor of the Year Links mentioned in this episode: •       The EntreLeadership Podcast: •       Atomic Habits by James Clear: •       Join James Clear at Summit 2024: •       Learn more about EntreLeadership’s Stages of Business: •       Start your free trial of EntreLeadership Elite: •       Have a question for The EntreLeadership Podcast? Leave a voicemail at 844.944.1070 or submit your question for a chance to be on the show with Dave Ramsey:   Start growing your business and leadership skills with the EntreLeadership New