Ask Noah Show

Episode 359: Ask Noah Show 359 | The Framework Laptop



This week a special guest joins The Ask Noah Show to discuss how approachable and easy Framework is making the purchase and maintnece of a modular laptop. Matthew Miller joins the program and we talk Fedora! -- During The Show -- 00:30 LFNW Conference is re-scheduled (early next year) All other activities still going on 02:30 Framework Laptop Impressions First impressions Saw them in the wild Watched other manufactures make parts 06:05 Framework Owner Interview 13 years old House rules Previous laptop - ThinkPad X270 What led you to Framework? What were your first impressions? How did the purchase day go? Why the DIY route? Order experience Very well organized packing Storage Everything is labeled First Power On OS - Kubuntu What is it like using it? X270 to Framework Comparison What distros have you tried? Kubuntu Ubuntu Arch Long term expectations? Who is the ideal Framework customer? Gaming? Framework videos, labels, QR codes Any improvements on modules? disassembling What is the feel like? Over all 0-10?