Success In Medicine

Energized at Work: Episode 3 with Dr. Sejal Desai, Obesity Medicine Physician and Family Medicine Physician



Dr. Sejal Desai is double board-certified in Family Medicine and Obesity Medicine, and one of the things that really comes through in this episode is the deep connection she feels to her work as an obesity medicine physician. In fact, she calls Obesity Medicine “happy medicine“, and she describes how happy she was that she discovered this field well into her career as a family medicine physician. She speaks about her deep passion for preventative medicine throughout her career, and how extra training in obesity medicine, followed by board certification, has helped her make a significant impact in her patients’ lives. This insight, about connecting deeply with one’s purpose, helps her stay energized and fuels her passion for helping patients with obesity overcome challenges and make long-lasting lifestyle changes.   Dr. Desai is a double board-certified physician practicing in Houston, TX.  She has been in practice for almost 20 years and has been specifically working with patients who struggle with the dise