Creative Warriors

911: Liz Long – Navigating Shitstorms: Resilience for Business Owners



As self-employed business owners who put ourselves out there every day, no one knows better than us about the topic of today’s guest’s book. The title, Navigating Shitstorms, perfectly captures the essence of our experiences. Can you relate? In this episode, author Liz Long and I dive deep into the challenges self-employed business owners face, touching on the power of recognizing our heart voice. This conversation provides a personal and honest exploration of how inner dialogues, self-care, and self-love play a critical role in managing the hurdles of entrepreneurship and life in general. Tune in to gain actionable strategies for navigating your own shitstorms.   Liz Long spent over fifty years stuck in Victimtown. After a close family member, Lynda White, went missing, six-year-old Liz was forced into a shitstorm of epic proportions. Five years later, Lynda’s body was found, and her case remains one of Canada’s longest unsolved murders. Having discovered her own path to healing, including inpatient treatme