Sharp - The Podcast

Sharing is caring



As you can tell, this isn't an episode! But it's a request to you, our lovely listener, to share Sharp if you love it. There's all sorts of way you can share this audio: * Copy and past the page this 'episode' is on from the website, into your social media* Share the website 'subscribe' page* If you use a podcatcher - there's usually a 'share episode' option. You could share it:* Direct to a friend in WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger, text message* Direct onto social media Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.* You could put it up on YOUR website or social media account* Or you could do a screenshot and then post the image onto anywhere!* Or of course you can go onto our social media, find this promo, and re-share. All the social links are below* Finally - here's an old fashioned idea: You could tell people in person! As always, we're really grateful for your help in supporting this podcast, and a 'proper' episode will be coming next - we promise! * Rate or subs