Creative Warriors

909: Jud Brewer – Get Rid of Unwanted Habits



In my work as a business coach, I often talk about adding good habits, morning practices, daily habits, and such. In this episode, we're going to talk about eliminating unwanted habits that might be keeping you from your full potential. Today, I speak with Dr. Jud Brewer about the fascinating concept of eliminating unwanted habits that can hinder personal and professional growth. Jud sheds light on how habits like anxiety and worry can be viewed as behavioral patterns. We explore the habit loop of worrying and delve into the impact of habits like distraction and scarcity mindsets on self-employed business owners. If you want to break free from these patterns and boost your personal development, this conversation is a must-listen for entrepreneurs and business owners.   Dr. Jud Brewer MD, PhD is an internationally renowned psychiatrist, neuroscientist and New York Times best-selling author. He is an associate professor at Brown University's School of Public Health and Medical School. He also serves as the Chi