Chest Journal Podcasts

Lower vs Higher Fluid Volumes in Adult Patients With Sepsis



CHEST October 2023, Volume 164, Issue 4 Praleene Sivapalan, MD, joins CHEST Podcast Moderator, Dominique Pepper, MD, to discuss IV fluid management in sepsis. DOI:   Disclaimer: The purpose of this activity is to expand the reach of CHEST content through awareness, critique, and discussion. All articles have undergone peer review for methodologic rigor and audience relevance. Any views asserted are those of the speakers and are not endorsed by CHEST. Listeners should be aware that speakers’ opinions may vary and are advised to read the full corresponding journal article(s) for complete context. This content should not be used as a basis for medical advice or treatment, nor should it substitute the judgment used by clinicians in the practice of evidence-based medicine.