Reason For Truth

Avoiding A Self-Righteous Life In Hiding (PT2) - 9:27:23, 3.12 PM



In our last episode I shared with you the ancient Jewish Saying that: “If you want to hide a tree, plant it in a forest”. The point is that as Christians, we can choose run and hide in apathy, or we can live our our Christian faith in ACTION. Today, in PART2, I want to look to God’s Word as to the fact that God allows both good times and bad. When bad times come, we tend to go into hiding, failing to executive the Great Commission. And in the process, we risk becoming SELF-RIGHTEOUS in our Christian faith. Solomon makes clear that to do so is to “perish in our righteousness”. Remember, we can run, but we cannot hide. And, “If you want to hide a tree, plant it in the forest”.1) SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PODCAST!2) SHARE OUR PODCAST WITH YOU FRIENDS!3) JOIN Steve's Community at: www.STEVENGAROFALO.COM