Testtalks | Automation Awesomeness | Helping You Succeed With Test Automation

Journey Unleashing the Power of Robot Framework with Elisabeth Hendrickson



In today's episode, I have the pleasure of sharing a presentation from Elisabeth Hendrickson, a renowned speaker, expert in test automation and development, and the author of the top-rated book Explore It!: Reduce Risk and Increase Confidence with Exploratory Testing. I've been trying to get Elisabeth on the show since 2014 without any luck, BUT I hosted an online event, RoboCon, a few years ago where Elisabeth was the keynote speaker and thought now is my chance to at least create an episode featuring her by reusing her session here. Elisabeth's keynote speech titled "Robot Framework Through the Lens of History" will take you on a fascinating journey through the evolution of test automation, highlighting some lesser-known stories and influential figures along the way. As she delved into her archives, she discovered long-lost gems that shed light on the frustrations and challenges she encountered on her test automation journey. From the frustrations caused by heavyweight software development processes to the