
634: Simplifying On-Site Energy for Businesses; VECKTA may be the first ‘platform’ to do it!



On Today's Episode: While businesses grapple with skyrocketing energy costs, increasingly frequent power outages, and mounting pressure to reduce carbon emissions, clean energy & energy efficiency providers struggle with how to find & convert them as customers. The complexity of on-stie energy challenges often leaves businesses feeling overwhelmed with options for transitioning to cleaner, more resilient, on-site energy solutions, also known as distributed energy resources. Adding to this complexity are the 'soft costs' associated with developing these solutions, which include consulting, engineering, sales, and procurement, which can account for a staggering 50% of project costs. The energy market also suffers from a pervasive information asymmetry. Buyers often find themselves at a loss for who to trust, and suppliers struggle for project traction due to customer indecision.Gareth Evans, the CEO and founder of VECKTA, designed a company specifically to tackle these challenges head-on. Thei